Ok, so I am working (well, supposed to be). Periodically during football season, my friends and I will randomly text each other with “WPS” (short for “Woo, Pig! Sooiee!”), #NeverYield (our newest slogan; part of Arkansas, Fight! “…Give a cheer, rah, rah, never fear, rah, rah, Arkansas will never yield!…”), or other such random fan items guaranteed to get the blood boiling.
So today, I took what I thought was a short work break to text my friends Marty and Kathy with “It’s Razorback Game Week” which I say periodically.
Kathy was driving and letting Siri do her texting wirelessly.
Hilarity ensued:
Nick: Hey Kathy
Kathy: Hey back
Kathy: I'm driving let's see what Siri does with this
Siri: Where paying Selle
Nick: In my experience Siri does not grasp the subtleties of the Hog Call
Kathy: Let's try that again
Siri: Where paying Selle
Nick: We will use that forever now
Siri: Where did celui
Siri: Where can't get Siri
Siri: Where did silly
Kathy: Siri is not a razorback
Nick: I prefer the first one
Kathy: Whole hog Halfpenny I'm Arkansas by Daniel
Nick: Now that's freaking hilarious
Kathy: We need to teach Siri better
Nick: Yes she is a dumb b****
Siri: WTS
Nick: Close!
Kathy: She's getting better
Siri: W a S
Nick: Worse
Siri: WPS
Nick: AHA
Kathy: Go hogs
Kathy: Never yield
Siri: Get that line hit that line keep on going Tahquette mall right down the field give a Cierra Roderrae never Fierro Arara Arkansas will never yield on your toes Razorbacks to the feeing is carry-on with all your mind florets IIA are KLAN SAS for Arkansas phi phi phi
Kathy: Siri is cracking me up.
Nick: That is freaking hilarious
Kathy: Just for grins you ought to ask Siri to sing the Ark. fight song
I tried, but my version of Siri says, “Nick, you know I can’t sing.” No, Siri, I did not know that, but now I do, thanks for sharing.
So, I clicked in a text to Kathy, and I SANG Arkansas, Fight! to Siri.
Here’s what she wrote:
If Edline have that line keep on going pick up alright down the field give a cheer Bromall never fear when around Arkansas wheelman for yield on your toes Razorbacks to the fannish carry on with all your mind boys A-OK in SAS for Arkansas fight 55
Sent from my iPhone
GO GOGS!!!!!!
Hey guys that is too funny. WPS!