Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day

I really miss Mom.

By hook and crook, Mom wound up with an heirloom rose bush.  It’s a fairly old-fashioned double tea rose, but Mother loved it and wound up with it.

It stayed in the back yard (where she could enjoy it), between her shop and the back door, for about 20 years.  When we moved them to San Antonio, they didn’t take the planted things, like “Grandma’s Rose”. 

Nathan and I went back to Malvern when the house sold to “clean up” and get any remaining items, and I saw that rose bush.  I knew the house had sold, but…I went and borrowed a shovel from the neighbors, dug it up, and brought it to Houston. 

The first year, it almost didn’t survive.  The second (last year), it made a few small but pretty blooms, and the foliage looked better.

Mother died in January.  Now, intellectually, I know that it was the particular combination of harsh winter + sudden spring that bump-started it---but I like to think Mother was saying "Hello” to me this year, through “Grammie’s Rose”.





Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

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