Let the spoilage commence!
(In my last post, I posted her name as "Peyton Rangel". We had explained the family tradition of the middle name "Virginia"--we're on the 6th generation of "Virginias"--to Rachel (that's Rachel Virginia...), but she was wavering on whether to use it or strike out in another direction. However, she was looking at Peyton and Peyton smiled...and, as Rachel told me, "OMG, it was GRAMMIE! I couldn't believe it, but it was Grammie! I knew right then it was "Peyton Virginia!” So I--as custodian of the family history--am DELIGHTED to report that the name is, indeed, Peyton Virginia Rangel.)
^^^^Naah, I really can’t stand her.
^^^^Neither can Grandma Marla (don’t my sister and I have such a strong family resemblance? ;) She looks like the Jones’s, I look like the Tarkingtons).
^^^^Great Grandpapa can’t stand her either….
^^^^I really like this one. When this picture was made (8/21/2010), Peyton was 14 hours old and Dad was 86 going on 87.
^^^^Uncle David
^^^^Grandpa Phil
^^^^She’s going to kill me for posting this, but I love this one. 2 pretty girls!
^^^^Ok, so the 8x10 of this one is going on my desk Monday morning.
^^^^Grandma Peggy takes a turn
^^^^…and Grandpa Orlando…
^^^^Peyton, there’s no place on earth as safe as Daddy’s arms. Good job, Patrick.
^^^^I dunno, maybe this one for my desk….
(P. S. Looking at those pictures of me: MY GOD, I've turned into my uncle!!! I look just like him! When the hair goes all the way white I WILL look just like him!!! When did THAT happen?!?!).